12 Jun

Wickenden Families

Welcome from the Wickenden Families Website.

We hope you and your families are still staying well during the pandemic! We are pleased to describe some additional developments this month.

 PICTURES BY VAN GOGH - The picture at the head of this message is a study for the finished picture of what we believe are the house and studio of Robert J. Wickenden, as shown in the previous update and on the Robert John Wickenden page in the Wickendens Around the World section of the website. In a sequel to a Metropolitean Museum of Art exibition catalog, "Van Gogh in Saint-Remy and Auvers" by Ronald Pickvance (1986), the author writes that "the street shown is the one immediately adjacent to Ravoux' inn, the Rue de la Sansonne. ...Van Gogh made no drawing comparable to the painting, abandoning a working process he followed frequently his early activity in Auvers" (p. 228). Apparently the author was not aware of the rough painting (included above) that the artist apparently made as a study, since it is in a private collection in Japan. In addition there are two other paintings of similar scenes that may be of the same street but from a different position. Together, they show the interest the artist must have had in this scene, not to mention that they are just down the street from Ravoux' Inn where he stayed while in Auvers.

 HISTORICAL CONTEXT- A new page has been added to the Wickenden History section of he website. It is currently under construction. The intention is to add commentary on the various documents and events that would provide an historical context for information in the site about the Wicken, Hwicce, and the Wickendens. Anyone who has an interest in this kind of historical analysis is welcome to participate and/or comment.

 ADDITION TO THE THOMAS R WICKENDEN FAMILIES SECTION - Elizabeth Wickenden McMahon has added some pictures and text about her family and a link to her website. Thank you, Elizabeth! Now if we can get others, like her brother and our cousins to participate - we will have a fairly complete page for Thomas H. and Dee Shuman Wickenden in the Thomas R Wickenden Families section of the website. The seven other pages in this section also need work, as time and interest allow.

 Thank you for your attention. This and all past group emails are now included in the News blog on the website, so readers can find the information in these updates even if they miss the emails. Explore the expanded website if you have time, send in any questions or comments you might have, and Stay Well!


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